Who We Help
At OsteoStrong we have members of all fitness abilities and ages visiting our centers weekly for a quick in-and-out skeletal strengthening regimen. Developing and maintaining skeletal health applies to all ages. It doesn’t matter if you’re 9 years old or 90 years old, OsteoStrong is designed for you. Our members include elderly, middle age, and even athletes who want stronger bones.
Improve With OsteoStrong
Osteoporosis is a common condition as we age and is treatable. At OsteoStrong, many members experience an increase in their bone density through our safe weekly routines that help trigger the development of healthy new bone tissue.
Dramatic improvements can happen quickly at all ages with regular OsteoStrong sessions. Members may experience results in less than 8 sessions (2-months).
Bone Health
Bone health is important and for most everyone their bone mass reaches its peak at 30 years. After that, bone remodeling continues, but you lose slightly more bone mass than you gain.
One of the symptoms of declining musculoskeletal strength is a loss of balance. Because you engage your central nervous system and entire musculoskeletal system in a brief but very unique way at OsteoStrong, one of the benefits is an almost instant improvement in balance and agility.
There are multiple, well-proven and safe approaches to treating type II diabetes and metabolic dysfunction. Fortunately, these different approaches can be used individually, or in conjunction with one another. When viewed as single therapies however, it is OsteoStrong that performs the best compared to the other standards of care in the reduction of HbA1c (long term blood glucose measures).
Athletes by strengthening the skeletal system we see athletes breaking through plateaus and setting new records.
OsteoStrong focuses on strengthening your bones through 4 easy steps. Each step is performed one day per week to foster a healthy routine. Known as a biohack, our members find that they have improved bone density, muscle strength, posture and more.
Step 1
Upper Growth Trigger
The first movement is designed to strength the upper body extremities. This step requires you to position your arms in a 120 degree angle while applying enough force to trigger a growth event.
Step 2
Lower Growth Trigger
Lower Growth Trigger. This unique step focuses on strengthening your legs. By simulating the minimum force required for bone growth, our process angles your knee at 120-degree angle which is typically how we absorb an impact and then simulates the best 5-seconds of force required to trigger a growth event
Step 3
Core Growth Trigger
The core growth trigger is the third step in the process which focus on the abdominal muscles. These muscles are designed to hold the pelvis and rib cage together. This movement safely simulates the motion of high impact position which results in strengthening the muscles and bones.
Step 4
Postural Growth Trigger
The objective in this step is to emulate high impact through the whole body with a focus on the spine. Positioned with your shoulders back and knees forward, we simulate impact through a 5-seconds lift on our machine. This loading helps improve posture and balance with time.